Our Pet Sitting Services
Nobody wants to be worried about their house or beloved Pet while they are on a wonderful vacation, experiencing health issues, or are overwhelmed by professional demands. That's where we come in – think of us as an extension of you. You CAN be in two places at once – at work and also taking your Pet to the Vet.
Using a professional pet sitter reaps benefits for both pets and pet parents. Once you experience professional pet care in your home, you'll never worry about being away from your Pet again.
We service the following areas in Southeast Milwaukee, Wisconsin:
Bay View, Cudahy, Franklin, Greendale, Greenfield,
Oak Creek, St. Francis, and South Milwaukee
We require a free initial consultation so that we can meet you and your pets and have a mutual understanding of what is needed.
Here Is a List of Some of the Benefits of Using Our Services:
For the Pets
For the Pet Parent

Pet Sitting Services
Please see our Contact Page for additional Terms and Conditions.
Hours: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Monday through Saturday
Per Visit: $15.00 for Cats, $20 for Dogs
More than two pets: $5 additional charge per dog or cat
$5 additional for administering medications
Please call for our Holiday Hours.
Holiday Pricing: An additional $5 per visit will be added.
Mileage charges may apply if outside our service area.

Basic Pet Sitting Services Include
Courtesy Pet Sitting Services
Pet Taxi and Concierge Services
Need us to run your Pet to the Vet? Drop off at the groomers? Or take to doggie daycare? We can do that.
Have a cat or dog that needs to transfer by crate? Supply your own, so no cross-contamination occurs.
Save yourself time and worry by hiring our Pet Taxi Service.
Or – just need some errands run?
Insured and Bonded, Excellent driving record.
Base Rate: $20 Transportation (includes from our address, to pick up address, to drop off address)
Additional drive time needed: $5.00 per additional 15 minutes needed
Waiting for Pet: $5.00 per every 15 minutes
Fresh water and treats if allowed: FREE
No Sunday or Holiday Service